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LD 2018-03 BIENNALE HEROS ©L.Melone-2473.jpg


Based on an original idea by the Brazilian group Héros du Quotidien

Directed by Frédérique Lecomte

as part of a regional program


and seven years of social cohesion, at the request of COCOF -


French Community Commission ,

Photography.Véronique Vercheval

Super-Heroes of Social Cohesion; that is to say, crazy, cute and always nice everyday Super-Heroes, Brussels residents from here and elsewhere who have decided to create opportunities for friendly, artistic and magical encounters. Come and share amazing moments with neighbors, passers-by, strangers from next door or from far away.

A song in your honor, a dancing step, love coaching (we can at least try), permission, parental conflict resolution, laughing yoga, whatever you want for Christmas, a superhero diploma in Social cohesion, a letter that is difficult to write, a divination session, an ear to listen to your woes, a plaster, a knitting session for two ...

Get rid of your chains and join us. Your outlook on Others will be changed FOREVER.

 Des Super-Héros de la Cohésion Sociale, des Super-Héros du quotidien déjantés, mignons et toujours gentils, des Bruxellois d’ici et d’ailleurs qui ont décidé de créer des occasions de rencontres conviviales, artistiques et magiques. Venez partager des instants étonnants avec voisins, passants, inconnus si lointains et si proches.

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